I’m Wei Lim (full name: Wei Kang Lim – aka weiklim), a software engineer based in Seattle. I have 8 years of professional software experience. I’ve been fortunate enough to work on interesting problems in many different areas throughout my career: full-stack business applications, DevOps infrastructure, engineering systems, back-end services, distributed systems, lightweight micro web services, CLI applications.

I’m currently a senior software engineer that is part of the developer division at Microsoft. Improving developer productivity has always been a big interest of mine, and I’m glad that I get to work on improving developer tooling for Azure.

My current day-to-day programming language is go, with a hobbyist interest inrust development.

For those interested about background:

I graduated 2015 with a bachelor’s degree in Physics and Computer Science, with a minor in Mathematics from North Dakota State University. I obtained my master’s degree (online) in Computer Science from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2020. I grew up on the tropical Penang island of Malaysia.

I was fortunate enough to work on some interesting soft matter research during my undergraduate years, under the supervision of Dr. Alan Denton at the NDSU Physics Department. The research culminated in a few published papers, where we studied colloid/nanoparticle-polymer mixtures by using Monte-Carlo based simulations, exploiting the coarse-grained geometric representation of poylmers as random walks in 3D space:

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